TLC for our entrance door
After many years of neglect the Baxter Hall door has a new lease of life thanks to some hard work and TLC from community volunteers
After many years of neglect the Baxter Hall door has a new lease of life thanks to some hard work and TLC from community volunteers
The Baxter Hall would like to say a huge thank you to Santa’s Sleigh for their donation. This will make a real difference to our charity. Look out for further news on what we have spent it on.
A fundraising event for The Baxter Hall Six Wines for the Festive Season 17th November at 7.30pm Tickets £12.50 to include a ploughman’s supper Contact Tracey on 07711 055115
Fifty people turned up for a fantastic evening in the Baxter Hall to listen to the story of how David Tait got involved in making gin. They sampled his gins, ate a delicious ploughman’s supper and enjoyed listening to some laid back music played on the saxophone by Anthony Baxendale. The evening raised over £550…
Gillian and Bethany from Access For All UK have carried out an accessibility audit at The Baxter Hall this week. After taking lots of measurements and photos they will write a report for us with recommendations on how to make the hall a comfortable space for everyone in the community to enjoy.
Please come and join our friendly team and get involved in gardening, helping with events and fundraising or joining our committee.
After months of hard work, the Baxter Hall Committee is in the process of finalising a 25 year lease which secure the future of this important village asset for the community for the next 25 years. The Lower Hall will once again host the playschool and the (upper) Community Hall will host the Smiles after…